Servings Prep Time
4cups 20minutes
Passive Time
Servings Prep Time
4cups 20minutes
Passive Time
  1. Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan.
  2. Heat over medium heat until it reaches 185-195 degrees.
  3. Let the milk cool until it reaches 110 degrees stirring occasionally. Stirring prevents a film from forming. But if you forget to stir (like I usually do), just skim the film off the top.
  4. Whisk in 1 heaping tablespoon of yogurt with active cultures. I use plain yogurt with no extra ingredients.
  5. Transfer the milk/yogurt mixture to glass jars. I use two pint size jars, but you can also use one quart jar. Put lids on the jars.
  6. Remove the trays from the dehydrator, and place the jars inside. *
  7. Turn the dehydrator on to 105 degrees and put the cover on.
  8. Let the yogurt incubate for 8-10 hours.
  9. Remove the jars from the dehydrator and place in the refrigerator. Yogurt will continue to thicken in the refrigerator.
Recipe Notes

* You don’t need a dehydrator to make this recipe.  It’s my preferred method because it keeps the temperature constant, but there are other ways to incubate the yogurt without it.  For example, you can wrap the jars with towels and place in a cooler with the lid closed, place the jars in the oven with the light on, or place the jars in a crock pot with the lid open.  The important thing is to keep the temperature constant at around 105 degrees.  Not all ovens and crock pots are the same, so be sure to check the temperature of whatever you’re using.

This recipe is also easy to double or quadruple which I often do for our family.