Banana Chips

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There’s not a whole lot to say about these little gems….just bananas….nothing added.  But consider yourself warned….they will go FAST!  Do you see that jar FULL of them in the picture above?  It was empty about 30 minutes after I took the picture!  With eight kids in the house, we have to make these things by the bucket full!

Banana Chips
Print Recipe
Prep Time
30 minutes
Passive Time
18-24 hours
Prep Time
30 minutes
Passive Time
18-24 hours
Banana Chips
Print Recipe
Prep Time
30 minutes
Passive Time
18-24 hours
Prep Time
30 minutes
Passive Time
18-24 hours
  1. This is about how ripe our bananas usually are. By the way, we usually dehydrate about five times this many bananas.
  2. Slice the bananas thin. ** (My son should have been wearing cut resistant gloves)
  3. Place on dehydrator trays. This is a GREAT job for little ones...unless they eat them all like mine do 🙂
  4. Put trays in the dehydrator set to 95 degrees for 18 - 24 hours (time depends on how thick the bananas are).***
  5. Take them out of the dehydrator and store in an air tight container.
Recipe Notes

* If your grocery store sells over ripe bananas at a discount, buy them ALL!!  That's what we do, and then we come home and make TONS of banana chips!

**We experimented for awhile with different thicknesses of bananas.  Some worked well and some didn't.  We finally found this mandolin that has the perfect thickness.  We use the 7mm blade.  Use whatever works best for you, but if you use a mandolin please be careful.  The blade is extremely sharp.

***I love this dehydrator because it the temperature is adjustable, and the trays can be removed to make other things like yogurt.

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